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Welcome to my NFL Football Pool
Help and FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Can I win a week if I have not paid the yearly dues yet?
No, the runner up will get the win that week.  Payment must be recieved prior to the Monday night game to be eligible to win that week.  

How do I know if my picks are saved correctly?
When you go to your Home Page you will see them displayed on the right side of the screen. Also, you can go to the Pool Members page and you will see successful under the 'Picks Recorded' column.

How do I view my past picks?
Go to My NFL Schedule and click the previous week in the menu pulldown for Week. Your graded picks will be displayed for the particluar week.

Can I save over my picks?
You can change and save over your picks as many times as you like before the pick deadline.

Weekly Payouts:
Cost is $3 per week. $2 per week goes to the weekly winner. $1 goes to the season kitty. So if we have 65 players the weekly payout will be 65*2=$130. $65 will go to the kitty that week. So after 17 weeks the kitty total will be 17*65=$1105.

End of Season Payouts:
People that come in places 1 through 5 get 25% of the kitty for their respective position. In the above example we had a kitty of $1105. So 1st place will get 1105*25%=$276. Take kitty minus 1st place and do it again through the next 4 positions. So 1105-276=829. 829*25%=$207 and so on. People in standings 6 thru 10 take what is left over / 5.

Payouts start after week 4:
New people are allowed to join our league through week 4. After week 4, if a person has not paid their yearly dues ($51) that person will be removed from our pickem league. This is done to determine the weekly payoff. Checks will be issued for weeks 1-4 after the weekly payout amount has been determined.

Menu Description

My Home Page:
When you login you are presented with your home page. Everyone gets their own page with their data. The picks that you make if you have made them successfully will show up on the right side. If you make your picks and save and then don’t see your picks on the right side – reload the website – relogin and remake your picks because the website has timed out on you. I am working on fixing this but right now it can still be a problem. The user home page shows who won last week and also some stats about the best pickers and worst (for fun of course) – and it shows your pick stats also.

League Rules:
Explains our rules – most important rule - get your picks in 1 hour before the 1st game. You can change your picks as often as you like but they must all be in before game. You can now pick Thursday Night only and the rest of your picks later but if you forget to pick Thursday - you will get that pick wrong automatically.

Make My Picks:
Use this option to make your picks every week. You can actually make picks for upcoming weeks (I haven’t tested this thoroughly yet but plan to). By default it will always start with the next week being played.

View Standings:
This is where you can see how you are doing against the rest of the league. Any of the columns can be clicked on to sort results. So if you are in week 2 and the games are being played you can click on week 2 to see how you are doing live as the scores are completed.

This Weeks Picks:
This screen shows everyones picks for the current week being played. If the week hasn't started yet you will see last weeks picks. You read this screen vertically and line up your player number top and bottom and it will show who you picked and how everyone else picked. The numbers at the right side of the screen are totals of how many people picked each team.

NFL Standings:
This is a link for those who want to view the real NFL Standings as they make their picks – comes up in its own window so you can make picks and see NFL statistics at the same time if desired.

Pool Members:
This screen shows who the people are behind all the numbers. It also shows if you have saved your picks as of yet or not. It also shows if you have paid for the season yet. If you want to see if your picks are in you can also check here. You can go back and save over or change your picks as many times as you want before the 1 hour deadline.

Graded Picks:
This screen shows how everyone did - it will show correct picks via the ‘o’ and incorrect via a dot ‘.‘.

My NFL Schedule:
This screen will show the games for the whole year but it will show who you picked in previous weeks and it shows your correct and incorrect picks for each week that has been played as well as the current week as the scores come in.

Monday Night Club:
This screen will show who is in it for Monday Night after all the Sunday scores have been input. It may change after Monday night because some people are eliminated when their team loses on Monday Night.

Help and FAQs:
This screen - I plan to expand to include frequently asked questions.

This is where I work the controls for this website. If you click on this link – you will be logged out of the program automatically.

Welcome to NFL Football Pool